The past doesn’t have to sabotage your present.

It’s time to be the hero in your own story.

What I Treat

  • Childhood & Adult Trauma

    Are the wounds of the past holding you back? Can you sense who you want to be but have no idea how to get there? Are you ready to take back the power that was rightfully yours all along?

  • Relationship & Interpersonal Issues

    Finding yourself in the same destructive cycles over and over again? Is what you’ve been through in the past bleeding over into your current relationships?

  • Couples & Families

    Has the fighting become too much? Not sure how to move forward together? Does it feel like every conversation just ends in chaos? Wondering where the connection has gone?

My approach.

I know that finding a therapist is incredibly personal. I value your time and vulnerability and I know how frustrating it can be to go from therapist to therapist without feeling any better. I personally value effective practices that assist in unburdening the pain that’s burying the true you. If something isn’t working, we pivot. We will help you heal, together.


Hi, I’m Lacey.

I help people sift through and clear out their baggage so it stops ruining their lives and relationships.