Life doesn’t have to be so hard.

Take back the power that was yours all along.


You try to move on, you try to forget, but the thoughts, dreams, and memories still haunt you. You may try to rationalize it away by telling yourself it was a long time ago, that you should be over it by now, that there’s no way something from so long ago could still impact you—but try as you might, it does.

Trauma at any age can feel like a bomb was just dropped on your life and your worth as a person. It can impact you differently at different ages, but overall it is a destructive force that can lead you to wonder if you will ever be the same. I’m here to tell you that you won’t be the same—you will be better than before.

Using EMDR and body-based therapy, I help you to reprocess the past so it stops holding you back from who you really feel you are.


What is trauma?

That’s a fair question considering it is a little bit of a buzz word right now. Trauma can range from the typical things we may think of like war, assault, physical and sexual abuse, and so on and it can also be bullying, inconsistent parenting, or emotional manipulation. Trauma doesn’t have to hold you back anymore keeping you stuck in the same cycles over and over again. Whatever it is that you’ve experienced, it is possible to heal and feel better than you ever have before.