You don’t have to be so alone.

People can be difficult. Being alone is harder.


You want to feel something with people. You’re desperate to connect but absolutely terrified to let anyone in. You might find yourself in the same destructive patterns with people over and over. It can feel like you’ll never make the connections you want and your relationships will continue to be a mess. It doesn’t have to be this way.

Other people are our best mirrors. They help us see the parts of us that we would rather hide from and a relationship that is well-formed and nurtured can be the most healing experience we can have as people. Issues in the past can lead to destructive patterns in relationships that can leave you feeling hopeless, defeated, and isolated.

To break free of these patterns, we have to be willing to be vulnerable and heal the wounds of the past. It is not something you have to do alone. I will be there with you every step of the way.

I use a variety of therapeutic methods to help you break free from the cycles that cause you nothing but pain.


What do I do with all my baggage?

We all bring baggage into our relationships. It’s human. However, we have to be resonsibile for our baggage. A big part of destructive cycles is clinging to the approval of others or expecting others to carry the load of your baggage. I am here to help you unpack so you can enter each relatonship anew.